The Radiance Within.
The heart is the door, the gateway to our "soul", our inner light. The mind, the ego, our thoughts and beliefs that generate "negative" emotions close this portal: "This is not how I want life to be." Our emotions tell us whether or not we are "aligned", whether or not the door is open and how wide. Emotions are our body's reactions to thoughts about a situation, a feeling generated by thought. We are free when our thoughts no longer determine our inner state of consciousness. Our inner state, our relationship with our true nature is our primary responsibility.
Every one of our choices has a consequence. Positivity increases positivity. Negativity increases negativity. If we choose love, our entire being thrives and expands. If we choose fear, our entire being contracts. In a series of books, David Hawkins describes the Levels of Consciousness. The lower Levels of Consciousness, those governed by the ego include pride, anger, desire, fear, grief, apathy, hatred, guilt, and shame. The objective is personal gain; thoughts focus on causal (if-then) specifics and self-interest. It results in our conditioned reactions of striving, force and conflict.
The higher Levels of Consciousness governed by the heart (soul) include courage, neutrality, willingness, acceptance, reason, love, joy, peace, and unity. From the higher levels, we view the world through overall context, non-causal meaning and spiritual significance. It is our natural responsiveness of congruence, expansion and power. This is how we really want to be.
Our hearts literally radiate our emotions, energy in motion, into both our personal and the collective experience. The image is of the electromagnetic field of our hearts (HeartMath). Are you contributing harmony and joy through your inner harmony and joy? Or, are you contributing energy to the collective chaos and negativity through your own chaos and negativity of complaints, blaming, retaliation, etc.? Is your energy focused on self-serving, self-interest for personal gain and control? This includes shoring up one's personal beliefs and self-image. If so, it is based in fear and ego.
It is when we are mentally neutral that the heart, Love, can express itself. Belief and thought generate separation, without our thoughts we naturally love, that is seek unity. Our mental neutrality allows Love to come forth into expression, enact itself and move in life.
If action truly benefits everyone and everything and comes from a place of genuine care, understanding and respect, it is based in love. Ask yourself, who benefits and how? What is gained for myself and others? What control is present? Love is living with an open mind and open heart and letting life in as it is, as it unfolds. Only love empowers oneself and others to fully realized potential. A shift in perception and attitude brings the ability to acknowledge and feel emotion to completion without judgment and reactivity. Ego asks: "What can I get out of this situation or relationship?" Love asks: "What can I give to this situation or relationship so that it fosters wholeness (holiness) of all?"
When we release ourselves from the glamour, security, lust/greed, and competitive power and their fear-based perceptions and behaviours, our limited, self-centered identity awakens to compassion towards all life as an expression of our divine Self. We awaken to our full potential. Life doesn't necessarily get "easier"; there will still be "difficult" or "painful" situations. They are the catalysts for growth. Experiencing them with love for all, life becomes clearer, deeper, more meaningful, and simpler.
Who We are Called to Be
It is simply a matter of a heartfelt intention and commitment to have a conscious relationship to bring Love fully into one's life and believe you are worthy and deserve it. To Love that part of yourSelf that is consciousness, the creator ever-evolving into more. We are the love we seek. When we relax into the experience of unity and Self-love, we see the luminosity of Life and the rest falls away. We see through the fallacy of mind-generated illusions.
Imagine that we are one with all that is. Imagine that our consciousness, our thoughts and emotions, create all that is. Imagine that part of your being that is all-knowing and all-loving. Imagine your life as infinite love. These images are reality. This is what you are. We cannot truly live or "master" life until we accept that we, our consciousness, are creating it. We created the split, the separation between spirit and matter; only we can end it and allow "spirit" to dwell within us. We each are a perfect thread of Love in the divine tapestry of Life. The mind is the emissary of the heart. Let your heart lead, the mind in service to the heart. Living in and through the heart sublimates, transforms fear to love without suffering.
Self-love is expressed through our "higher" purpose, our essence expressed in life. It is the Love we came to bring to the world. It is this secret held in our hearts that sustains us. It is the ground of our personal being. We when bring this into consciousness and align our thoughts, emotions and actions with this deep purpose, we know fulfilment, abundance and joy. It our personal source of being in the world but not of the world. It is at most 1 - 2 words that are simultaneously a vision, a virtue and our deepest value that we commit too. First we commit to Self-love, to merge. Then we can know and commit to the nature of our love. This is the catalyst for our experience of unity with life. From this experience of unified love, all that is contradictory is revealed. At the end of the day, the only relationship that matters is our relationship with the One within; the self with the Self.
What we focus on we create. Focus is a form of "prayer." Self-love is profound. Its only desire is to give Love expression - to expand the expression of Love - to grow and evolve into more of itSelf, to know itSelf in new ways. Conversely, worrying is praying for things we don't want to happen - and our focus can create them, a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Letting go of old concepts, no matter how flawed, is not easy. The only thing that is up to us is whether or not we make this transformation proactively or reactively. The only one stopping you from being the love you are is you. It is a postponement of the inevitable. We can engage willingly and gracefully or suffer if we resist. As we give more of ourselves to ourSelves, we naturally give more of ourselves to others and life.
When you are "done" living less than you are, your fullest potential, make this heartfelt intention and commitment: To Live the Truth of Who You Are as Divine Love. If you want "help", call forth and invite your own "teacher" within. Step beyond the confinement of ego and flourish. When we do, we stop blaming others for how we feel and looking outside for identity, definitions and answers. An engaged, empowered and fulfilled life is lived from the "soul", the essence, from source as Love. To allow Love's free flow, abandon the identity of the ego-self as the source of existence. Living in fear is a learned habit; real power comes forth when we set aside fear. There is no other way.
Through our energetic connection of Love within all things, we add to the well-being or the detriment of the whole. There are no small actions. Everything we think and do generates an energy that becomes part of the infinite intelligence and produces countless ripple effects. Think of the flap of a butterfly wing initiating a hurricane a half-world away. Look beneath the surface to address issues; they all originate inside.
>~~~~~~~~~~~~ To Be Continued ~~~~~~~~~~~~<
Lucira Jane Nebelung is the Founder & Principal of "Leading as Love".
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