Monday, 15 July 2013

E.T. Phone hOMe - Our Eternal Light is On (Concluding Part) by by Lucira Jane Nebelung

Difficulty is Growth

M. Scott Peck said "Life is difficult." It is. We don't grow and evolve unless we are challenged. Once we accept this, all "difficulty" disappears. Spiritual growth and integration is not a process of change but an evolutionary emergence to become the fulfilment of potential, like a larva becoming a butterfly. Creation is evolution by virtue of the emergence of potentiality into actuality (David Hawkins).

We only grow when we are challenged. If you find yourself uncomfortable or angry with what is written, great! There is an opportunity for growth. What is the perspective or belief that is ready to shift? What in this writing, triggered judgment? That judgment is inside of you, a part of how you "see" yourself that you are recognizing in me as a mirror. Write down all of these judgments, "good" or "bad" and reflect on how, in what ways they perhaps describe you. "Lj is out of her mind." - I can't live like this; I will be seen as crazy or lose my mind. "Lj is too open and personal." - I fear what I will learn about my true self. Or, as one reader commented: "This is amazing." - Yes we are. We can always resist or retreat from discomfort or we can move into it and allow its source to be revealed. When it is, the cause is dissolved. Allow the discomfort to be what it is with relaxed awareness, without reacting with drama and watch it dissipate.

Everything is an out-picturing of the consciousness within. When we gaze in awe at the cosmos, we are observing the vastness that we are. When we turn away from or fixate on pictures of war or famine, that war or hunger is raging inside of as well. When we are touched by nature's beauty, that beauty is inside of us. Nothing is ever an "accident." It's all an opportunity to recognize and be the Love that you are.

As we love ourSelves, love flows through all of our interactions with one another and with life. We act as a "tuning fork" for those around us. Life is calmer. One no longer engages in the drama, rather acts as witness. Life becomes extra-ordinary in ordinary circumstances. Everything we engage with, including "difficult" situations, is joyful. We are literally enthusiastic about all that life offers. If we look to "master" anything in life, may it be empowered surrender. The jihad is within playing out on the world stage.

We are Divine. Our Essence is Love. Leadership in Service to Life. Leading as Love. Universal Leadership. Love makes a leader a Leader. Realized Potential. Leadership is not a role. Leadership is a state of being, the integration of all levels - body, mind, heart, and soul - as love. Leadership is being in integrity with oneSelf. When we are full of ourSelves, Love, it overflows and we are in service to all. What is the good I want to share with the world? When we allow our reunion with the source of all life, our lives are used for the highest good at all times. We achieve nothing without Love. Nelson Mandela embodies this.

If we have everything planned out according to a template, it's impossible for us to be the movement of Love, of Light, in the moment. We can have a few guiding principles for how we engage with life. It is more pragmatic to incorporate these "spiritual" principles in everyday life and lifestyle. Choose even just one principle as an inner rule to be applied no matter what. Our Higher Self merely awaits activation by invitation and assent. What is your commitment for this life from the deepest core of your being?

Life on Planet Earth

If you got this far in reading this, some of you might say: What planet is Lj on? What do I do with this? I'm on Earth, just like the rest of you. I stepped back and broadened and deepened my perspective beyond the five senses and our social conditioning to include the consciousness of emotions and thoughts and that which can only be seen with the heart. I began to see clearly what makes all the truly effective leadership and organizational practices effective, like Appreciative Inquiry, Emotional Intelligence, Positive Organizational Scholarship, Servant Leadership, Transformational Leadership, to name a few. A blinding glimpse of the obvious that we would rather not acknowledge: They all honour and nurture the soul, the spirit within each of us, our totality of being; they call forth our Love. Personally, what can you do? First and foremost, deeply commit in your heart to Self-love, being the Love that you are, and surrender the prison of the mind. Then bring into consciousness the essence of your expression of love. This is your unique purpose; align your life with this.

Heaven is not a place; it is the state of unity with all of creation. Why is our true nature so elusive? Why do we resist and reject the Love that we are? What is so frightening about accepting the perfection of our imperfections? Allow your higher consciousness to take over, the consciousness that comes from the heart. To be the Self is the greatest accomplishment one can achieve; to create from the wellspring of the embodied Light within is true abundance and well-being. Why choose to be less than you are? It may appear that I have "lost" my living; I have gained my Life and livelihood.

Recently the film, E.T. - The Extra-terrestrial, came to mind as a metaphor of how our "soul" might feel when landing in a body and life on planet Earth - alienated, lost, being chased and imprisoned, longing to return home. Perhaps this accounts for the universal and lasting popularity of the film for more than 30 years: At a deep level it is our shared human story, we identify with these feelings. The lesson: "Turn on your heartlight. Let it shine wherever you go." Our Light is eternally on. Let's stop hiding from what we are and allow our radiance and brilliance to shine forth. Be the Love You Are.

>~~~~~~~~~~~~ Concluded ~~~~~~~~~~~~<

Lucira Jane Nebelung is the Founder & Principal of "Leading as Love".

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