Tuesday, 2 July 2013

E.T. Phone hOMe - Our Eternal Light is On (Part One) by Lucira Jane Nebelung

At the core of my being I am a troublemaker - a rebel. I am not going along with the cultural conditioning of the masses, asleep to the Truth of our being. Yes, I am a messenger; you might say an evangelist, the origin of which means "bringer of good news." And what is this good news? We are the creators of our experience.

"God" is the Ground of Being.

"God" - Allah, Yahweh, Buddha, Jeshua, Tao, Cosmos, Universe, Christ, Spirit, Heart Flame, Inner Light, Sacred Heart, Divinity, Higher Self, All That Is, I Am that I Am, Source, are all names or labels for the infinite, loving intelligence, awareness, presence, essence, consciousness, the energy that permeates all of creation. This loving intelligence is the ground of all being; it is the life-force of Love unfolding and evolving itself. It is the intelligence that initially created and continues to create and evolve the universe. It is within each of us, accessed through our hearts. There is no Supreme Being, only a ground of being that permeates all. The purpose of Life is to humbly, gratefully, fully, and completely embody this truth. This is Self-Love and Self-realization.

"God" is a reality that infuses all that is; we are one with "God" by virtue of our existence. We are called to experiential knowledge of our innate divinity, Self-realization of our unity with the omnipresent energy that permeates all. "God" is the indivisible absolute of which we are a part; nothing exists apart from the One, apart from Love. Perhaps the "God Particle" in Quantum Physics is exactly this.

What is your relationship with this, your true nature? How do you feel when you hear that you are "God" or "Christ" or "Allah" or "Buddha" or the "Cosmos"? Can you entertain this possibility or do you shut down? Imagine yourself as a child of 5 or 6, and ask yourself what was your perception of "God"? What were you taught? What do you now believe about "God"? This is how you see a part of yourself that's trying to get your attention through life. What would you like this relationship to be? What is it you really want from "God"?

For the most part our relationship with "God" mirrors our relationship with our parents and vice versa. If we were taught and expect that authority figures reward good and punish bad, then our relationship with life is one of quid pro quo - always getting something in return or having something taken away. When love is conditional, equated with rewards, then withholding love is punishment and we came to believe that we must get/have something tangible to "prove" love; when the material is withheld, we are being punished. If we do anything solely for personal or material gain, it is ego and our intent will be revealed and bite us in the butt. Love serves; ego seeks to be served in pursuit of gain.

For a fair number of us, we are in a relationship with a part of ourselves based in fear of what having this relationship will bring. What are the relationship dynamics with your parents? Sometimes this isn't clear until after they are gone. Trust, betrayal, abandonment, security, survival, respect, love... What did you receive? What did you "want"? How was this reflected in your actions towards them and others ("God")? As in all relationship dynamics, trust breeds trust, betrayal breeds betrayal, abandonment breeds abandonment, security breeds security, survival breeds survival, respect breeds respect, love breeds love. It's all a mirror, a never ending reciprocating cycle until someone puts and end to it, for good or ill. If you believe in a punishing "God" for "sins", you see "punishment" in life. This is nonsense; our essence is eternally innocent. We break any spell of negativity through Self-love.

Love is an openness and reverence for life. Self-love is a committed, thoughtful decision to bring Self-integration and Self-realization of this infinite part of our selves, whether or not a "loving feeling" is present. It is Self-evolution of our "higher" intelligence or consciousness. When we relax into this unity, all else dissolves. If you can't get to accepting and loving your "God-self", at least open to the possibility of a "Higher Self', an infinite, loving intelligence that continuously guides our life experience (whether we choose to see it or not). At the heart of Self-love is devotion; devotion to the Truth of our divinity invites and empowers it to become transformative.

It's about having an open mind entrained with the heart - what HeartMath calls "heart coherence." When we slow our minds and bodies they sync with our heart and "soul." "Soul" is our individuated expression of our infinite self; individuated yet indivisible from the whole. We are so focused on our external, physical experience and material things as the only "reality", we have difficulty acknowledging what is unseen within and throughout the universe. Our heart knows; our minds really aren't smart enough to "figure it out." It's about balance and integration, the inner with the outer, the unseen and the seen, bridging and merging the "lower" self with the Higher Self, bringing the polarities of spirit and matter into union.

One reader said it is "egotistical" to say that we are "Christ." "Christ" means "anointed one." We are all "anointed ones"; we all contain the divine spark of the eternal flame of the heart. It is the ego - egotistical and arrogant - that denies our true nature, our essence, our totality of being. However we choose to describe or label another, we are actually describing ourselves. How we see, judge and react to what is said or done by anyone is based what is inside of us and has nothing to do with what is actually there. Excuses, denial, justification, looking for evidence to prove one's point are always ego-based fear. We fear change. We fear the unknown. We fear the vast expanse of Love that we are. This bumps up against and disturbs our conditioned beliefs. It's the ego that refuses to make this declaration of our true nature. Ego seeks to Ease God Out, irrespective of the name we give "God."

Truth is ego's worst nightmare. The mind will overlook or ignore what is not defined in a way it can control, even when the "undefined" is always present. We die in all ways, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically when we judge or dismiss Truth as fantasy.

>~~~~~~~~~~~~ To Be Continued ~~~~~~~~~~~~<

Lucira Jane Nebelung is the Founder & Principal of "Leading as Love".

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