Tuesday, 20 January 2015

I Have A Dream - May I Serve You?

Asks Lucira Jane Nebelung | Connecticut

"We have before us the glorious opportunity to inject a new dimension of love into the veins of our civilization":
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

I have a dream that the Light that We Are shines brightly in Life illuminating and dissolving all darkness. Imagine a world where decisions and actions throughout our own lives and in business, government, education, and religion are made for the dignity, mutual benefit and well-being of all.

There is only one law to enact - The Universal Law Of Love: We are awakening and remembering our future: Our origin is our destiny. It doesn't matter what role you have, how you got there, or the symbols of status and power you possess, if you aren't Leading as Love, you are simply not a Leader, moving us forward into our greatest potential and possibilities of the future. You are managing within the prevailing patriarchal mindset and holding us back by perpetuating the past. One must Lead ones' own Life as the Love of the Sovereign Self before one can Lead others.

Our greatest Influence, Power and Impact is when we move with and as the Sovereign Self within, in active co-creation with Life, rather than posturing, manipulating or dominating with the mind's fixated images, perspectives or agendas of the patriarchal mindset. With Leading as Love, these roles and labels lose meaning and emphasis. With Leading as Love, we see and embrace ourselves and all others as human beings, engaging with one another without the limitations and expectations of roles and labels. With Leading as Love, rules and beliefs of the patriarchal mindset are superseded by the wisdom and passion of the Sovereign Self.

Leading as Love is a way of Being for both individuals and organizations, showing us where we are congruent and attuned to Life and where we are out of step. It is not "self-help" for something that needs "fixing" or "healing" or to feel good about ones' self. It is not a "how to", a prescription for doing or achieving something. Leading as Love is a foundation for exploring, discovering and expanding who You Are as Love, in your unique relationships with others and Purpose and Contribution to Life.

BEing Love: Love Serves Life Life Serves Love: Through one's Centerpoint for Being, Leading as Love reveals our integrity, the integrated wholeness that You Are that emerges as Light in Life. The Centerpoint for Being reveals our Purpose, illuminates our Path and ignites and fuels our Passion. The Centerpoint for Being quiets the mind, invites and allows us to open and yield, to connect with our essence, the Sovereign Self; our true Power emerges and we Lead as Love.

Leading as Love allows us to move beyond the patriarchal mindset and its appearances, judgments and needs for power and control, security and support, status and approval into a deeper experience of Life: One of Truth and Freedom, of Meaning, Purpose and Fulfillment. Leading as Love is the embodiment of the higher order of Love of the Sovereign Self in social consciousness.

One cannot feed the ego's fixations and fears and nurture the Love of the Sovereign Self at the same time. Leading as Love does not support the ego's images, "doing" and busyness within the structures and rules of the patriarchal mindset. Leading as Love is a Call to Being, to Serve the uniqueness and expansion of the Sovereign Self in its contribution to Life in a way that acknowledges, balances and integrates with the personality, one's unique experience and story.

Leading as Love is the Freedom to create in the moment unencumbered by the patterns of the past; to make decisions and take action that generates a future that Serves the highest good and well-being of the Sovereign Self of all. As we become more collectively centered, personal definition and acquisition take on lesser meaning.

The Significance of Service:  Leading as Love is for individuals and organizations that value the growth and evolution of human consciousness as Love. There are no rules; each Path is unique and sacred. There are two commitments as active priorities in each moment:
  • Willing to cultivate self-awareness, to look at oneself deeply in the mirror of Life with the Truth and Freedom of the Sovereign Self.
  • Willing to drop judgments of oneself or of anyone or anything else.
Leading as Love is a virtual community that generates the Power of Light, the movement of Love, in Life. As you illuminate your own Light by Leading as Love, like a candle you illuminate the Light of many others. As you commit, I can promise that all aspects of your Life will take on broader and deeper meaning, purpose and fulfilment.

The most important and challenging relationship we will ever have is with our Sovereign Self. We are here in Life to enact the Love of our Sovereign Self. Service and Servant Leadership mean Serving the Sovereign Self, our own and all others. It is "simple", not "easy."

Perhaps This Is Your Dream As Well: If this feels "right", piques your interest, draws you in, or excites you, perhaps it is your Sovereign Self Calling you forward as a step in your own Path of growth and evolution. Or you may feel the impulse to share with another. Just say, "Yes!"

I don't know the hows or whys for you, you do. They are within you. Leading as Love initiates and opens the connection to and process of discovery of your Sovereign Self. The Fulfilment of the Love, Truth and Freedom of your Sovereign Self awaits your reply.

I am here solely to Serve the Sovereign Self to Lead as Love. May I Serve You? 


* Lucira Jane Nebelung, Founder & Principal of "Leading as Love", is a faculty member at The Graduate Institute. USA. She writes from Connecticut.

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