Thursday, 14 August 2014

Menopausal Madness or Freedom? - Part 1

by Lucira Jane Nebelung

"An Invitation to Come Out of the Closet", again, brought cheers and thank-you's, but also pushed a few buttons.

What is offered is an alternative perspective on life that bumps up against the tradition-al.

[“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.” Gloria Steinem].

One reader said they felt they were "standing in front of a fire hose" and suggested that I "tone it down" a bit.

If the style feels abrasive or the perspective too far out or for any other reason, you are welcome to unsubscribe at the bottom.

No harm, no foul. It's all just for your consideration. Take what is interesting or meaningful to you in your personal experience and ignore the rest.

The infamous December 21, 2012. Some people expected the world to end in an apocalypse. It did. Apocalypse means to uncover, disclose, reveal. What is coming to an end IS being revealed. Just look around.
The best in us and the worst in us is being exposed. Our "official" ideologies are more deceptive and out of touch with the deeper core of human existence than they have ever been.

What is also being revealed are the esoteric, "hidden" spiritual teachings and truths that the scriptures, saints and mystics have shared over many millennia. We all have the opportunity to directly experience our true nature, if we so choose.

Since we all contain the full essence of divinity, anything we say or do to another, we do to "God" and to ourselves. So before we act, it might be worthwhile to ask:
"Would I say or do this to "God" or to myself?"

Without awareness, what we say to another, we are really saying to ourselves, about ourselves, projecting what we believe about our relationship to the Love that we are. Do unto others as you do to your-Self.

As the Buddhists say: "Do no harm!". "God" is not a being "out there." "God" is a state of being, the divine within, the creative force of the universe as infinite loving awareness.

Love is this creative force that is alive within us. Self-love is aligning, honoring, cherishing, and revering our inherent Love that is ever expanding into more. Our experience of joy is Love acknowledging its own expression.

Life is about getting in "right" relationship with our-Selves. Loving our-Selves is loving "God." Love is all there is. The experience of physical reality does not diminish who we are. In our essence, we are all "saints", something we perhaps, have

trouble accepting.
We can always say "no." There is no judgment, only Love. The only thing stopping us are our own limiting beliefs as to what IS. We each create our own experience of connection or separation.

We generally act out our unprocessed emotions and subconscious, conditioned thoughts rather than our liberated heart and soul that is our Self. It is our denied, suppressed and unprocessed emotions and thoughts that filter and distort the physical expression of our true spiritual nature. Just allow them to be without judgment.

When our mind,our thoughts are neutral the heart can engage and enable the soul's expression to move and come forth. We are taught and learn to look to others for authority and to comply. Our Self is the only authority we need to have a life fully lived.

Our Self is what is left when we strip away nationality, gender, religion, economic status, family roles, style/personality and any other concept that informs our identity. None of these really matter; they are just labels.

To be continued....

* Lucira Jane Nebelung, Founder & Principal of "Leading as Love", is a faculty member at The Graduate Institute. She writes from Connecticut, USA.

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