I have just read your post on organising the organisers and, the inference I made from your question is that you might be feeling a little guilty in having to out contract your personal needs to outside organisers.Well, the most important thing I think you should bear in mind here is that, except for dedicated disorganisers, everyone is an organiser of a sort and everyone needs organising somehow.
Be confident and please try to see it this way, outcontracting your needs where necessary is like being a leader who accepts that he can also follow. It wins you more support, shows you are not a `know-all' kind of fella. It also shows that you are not greedy and prefers excellence to mediocrity brokered by selfishness. Am I communicating?
It is absolutely right to allow onself to be organised by others, even if you are the organiser.I am glad that this position is shared by well meaning contributors.
More powers to your elbow Wendy!
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