* Continued from last week.
Self-love is all about our relationship with our spirit, our soul, our true nature, our essence. Self-love is the giving of our soul, essence, spirit to life. Self-love is the acknowledgement and acceptance of our innate divinity and its purpose to create, grow and evolve. Self-love is true empowerment and engagement that allows our soul's full and complete expression. Self-love is an open heart and mind that allows love to move us and move through us. Self-love is integrated wholeness, the unity, the totality of being as body, mind, heart, and soul; actions, thoughts,feelings, and spirit. Each aspect of being, is meant to be lived to the fullest.
Self-love is the remembrance of who we are. Self-love is being in alignment and harmony with our true nature. Self-love is the love of love.
"Loving" only our body and mind, definitions of ourselves and what we have accumulated is not self-love. Our masks, roles, beliefs are incomplete leading to self-serving self-interest, arrogance, narcissism, pride, and vanity. All of our labels, definitions and names limit and cut us off to the full experience and expression of life as love.
Self-love and mastery is a never-ending evolutionary process. Striving for mastery as a goal is fruitless, for love is ever renewing and rebirthing itself and expanding into more.
Instead of allowing love to be our life, we try to "control" our spirit's expression within the context of what we think life should be. Open your heart and mind and gift your presence in life to spirit as a conduit of love. There are no rituals, rules or requirements other than to relax into the totality of being.
Don't want to give up "control" of your life? Look again. How much "control" do we really have when our actions are driven by conditioned beliefs or personal stories outside of awareness? What is the source of your discontent? What subconscious stories do you tell yourself day-in and day-out? The pain we all feel (and avoid) is that of separation, the belief that we are somehow "unlovable." Our stories are not truth; they are an illusion, we made them up. We can change them at any time. When all the "stuff" that we have taken on as our identity dissolves, what's left is love - spirit - to shine through our human form.
Coming out of the closet is coming out of the dark, illuminating that which hides the truth. Coming out of the closet into the fullness of who we are requires no announce-ment or pronouncement, just open the door. Do you love yourself enough to choose unity of being, integrated wholeness for your life? Are you willing to break through without breaking down?
We keep focusing with good intentions, to "fix" what we see as "wrong" with the world around us. We fail to appreciate that it is a projection and reflection of that which is within, our lack of self-love. When we focus on the relationship within, all else will fall into place. World change is the ultimate result of self-love.
The Answer to `How’?, Is `Yes'.
If you are asking "how", the answer is "yes." "How" is looking for a structure or framework and there is none. Asking "how" is frequently an expression of ambivalence, not being clear of what we really want and are willing to let go of. Each of us is unique, our lives are unique. Life unfolds as life unfolds, reflecting how much "stuff" that is piled on our spirit, our inner core of love.
Life reflects a confluence of all our thoughts and emotions and actions that have gone before. The commitment is to attune and align our body and mind, actions and thoughts, with our soul and heart and allow love to lead the way. The commitment is to be present as loving awareness. It is loving awareness that brings the capacity to transform, allows us to see what we most need to see about ourselves. Life is the mirror that is our guide. Everything in life is a metaphor or symbol of our unity and our perceived separation.
Life is about loving who we truly are. Life gives us what we need to grow and evolve, not what we think we want. Nothing else matters. Get this down and we are home free. Truth or consequences. Love or fear. That's all there ever is. We get to choose.
The divine in me honors the divine in you!
Lucira Jane Nebelung is a Faculty member of the Center for Leadership Studies, The Graduate Institute, and Founder & Principal of "Leading as Love". She wrote in from Norwich, Connecticut Area.
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