Monday, 24 December 2012

Can We Do Without a Central Bank? Yes, on by Martin Udogie

I have just picked up my last book for the year. It’s the 500-page LORDS OF FINANCE by Liaquat Ahamed. (Yes, not Ahmed).

Nigeria was amalgamated into one country in 1914. We will be 100 years old in 2014; just about a year from now (the planning for this celebration ought to begin NOW).

But it wasn’t until 1959, one year to our Independence in 1960, that we had a functional Central Bank. So how did we cope?

You might argue that, that was in the “olden” days as we like to say. But even nowadays, there are countries without their own central bank. And the list may surprise you: Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Greece, etc. They are members of 17 European countries with one common central bank, called the ECB (the European Central Bank).

This is one of those "breakthrough thinking", the hallmark of creativity and innovation, that you are taught in strategy consulting. Learning to think of the unthinkable, to think out-of-the-box. To question settled wisdom.

Example: Why do we shake with the right hand? Why do we read a book from the first chapter to the last, unlike British Prime Minister, David Cameron who reads from the last chapter to the first.

But back to the Lords of Finance.

For 70-plus years, between 1836 and 1907, “the United States survived and even prospered without a central bank.”

But financial crisis is always lurking around the corner. So as bank after bank started to experience a run (more people taking money out than depositing), the country always turned to J. Pierpont Morgan, “the preeminent financier of his generation.”

Yes, he is the founder of the blue-chip banking powerhouse, J. P Morgan.

According to the book, “He had lived through more panics than had any other banker, in 1895 actually bailing out the United States government itself…”

So, Mr. Morgan, an individual, was the defacto central banker to the United States of America.

It wasn’t until the aging Mr. Morgan started having, shall we say, a bit more rewarding interest than financial crisis management that the U.S started to think of a more reliable, structured framework for central banking.

J. P. Morgan was “now seventy years old, semi-retired, and focused primarily on amassing an unsurpassed art collection and yachting to more congenial climes with a bevy of middle-aged mistresses.”

But the United States had actually experimented with central banking before J.P Morgan. In 1791 Alexander Hamilton, then the U.S Secretary of the Treasury had created the country’s first central bank, the First Bank of the United States.

This was 123 years before Nigeria existed. We are indeed a very young country. (Makes you wonder how we were functioning during these times….our forefathers were geniuses).

In 1811 the First Bank’s charter was allowed to expire. In 1816, the country tried again, setting up what came to be known as the Second Bank of the United States.

In 1836, the Second Bank’s charter was also not renewed. This was the void that a younger and more focused J.P Morgan filled. Until he was 70...

The book is essentially about how the world’s most powerful central banks of the era before now, held sway, for better and for worse.

Some books begin each chapter with a quote. This book is no exception. But it is in a class of itself in this regard.

Here’s one that is possibly my favourite of all time, so far (I’m still reading though):

“Anybody who goes to see a psychiatrist ought to have his head examined.”




Martin Udogie, founder of BOTTOMLINE Newsletter, can be contacted as follow:



Twitter: @UDOGIE

Friday, 21 December 2012

Reflections: Breakdown in 2012 - Breakthrough in 2013? (Part Three) by Lucira Jane Nebelung

* Reflections: Contnd..

Commitment to Our Future:

The reverse of "live" is "evil." Anything that does not foster life, foster love is "evil." When all we do is take, see what we can get, separate ourselves from one anther, and disown the results of our thoughts, feelings and choices, we are evil.

Life invites us to take a pledge for 2013 and beyond to live fully, to engage with life and others with love - care, understanding, respect, and responsiveness. Life invites us to commit to leading as love which is leadership in service to life - Universal Leadership.

Universal Leadership is an openness that is empty of preconceptions and conditions and full of possibility and potential. Universal Leaders act from and foster our unity. Common ground and deep care for the greatest good are established in our inherent unity that is love, not in agreement around an external issue. We only unite with others from the inside. Universal Leaders honor our totality of being as human and spirit. Universal Leaders call forth the human spirit that is in each of us to express. Universal Leaders make an unconditional commitment to consciously create a future that serves life. Universal Leaders are consciously awake, spiritually aware, and psychologically integrated.

Universal Leadership is our personal choice. The ultimate paradox is that we can change the world only through individual change of what's inside: our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and values of how we view and interact with life. Violence, exploitation and oppression will continue until we end the war within, the battle to suppress the truth of the heart: our connection and unity as human beings and with all of life.

In this season of great joy that brought us deep sorrow, may we recognize that Newtown is showing us both our polarities and our unity and so recognize both our individual and collective responsibility in creating our world. May this be the blessing and gift of all who died or suffered in this and all other human-made violence and catastrophes and natural disasters of recent years. May Newtown truly bring us a "New-town", a new life, a new way of being.

As 2012 is ending let us start anew, full of possibility, refreshing the canvas of our lives. In our rebirth, let us celebrate, be grateful, and honor life. In our rebirth, let us celebrate, be grateful, and honor that we are the only species on earth with the capacity to make conscious choices and know that we are the creators of our experience. In our rebirth, let us celebrate, be grateful, and honor that we are an expression of spirit in all that is. In our rebirth, let us consciously live the truth of our being, the truth of love.

As Universal Leaders we sense an opening into which love can be brought forth. We are ready. Now is the time. We are the ones to midwife love. Let us trust the goodness in life and allow ourselves to be moved by love, the unity within. Then, and only then, will there be peace on earth.

Will we make this ultimate commitment? Will we let our lives, our hearts, speak? Will we bring light to the world on this day of the longest night of darkness? Will we say yes to truth, the light, the movement of love that we are?

"I lead by word and deed simply because I am here doing what I do.

The power for authentic leadership is not found in external arrangements but in the human heart. Authentic leaders in every setting, aim at liberating the heart, their own and others', so that its power can liberate the world.... External reality does not impinge upon us as an ultimate constraint: if we who are privileged find ourselves confined, it is only because we have conspired in our own imprisonment... We make the world what it is by projecting our spirit on it, for better or for worse. If our institutions are rigid, it is because our hearts fear change; if they set us in mindless competition with each other, it is because we value victory above all else; if they are heedless of human well-being, it because something in us is heartless as well.

We all can make choices about what we are going to project, and with those choices we help grow the world that is. Consciousness precedes being: consciousness, yours and mine, can form, deform or reform our world. Our complicity in world-making is a source of awesome and sometimes painful responsibility - and a source of profound hope for change. It is the ground of our common call to leadership, the truth that makes leaders of us all."

Let Your Life Speak.

Parker Palmer


Lucira Jane Nebelung is the Founder & Principal of Leading as Love.

Reflections: Breakdown in 2012 - Breakthrough in 2013? (Part Two) by Lucira Jane Nebelung

* Reflections:.. Contnd..

About Love and Life

Why do we avoid speaking of and practicing "love"? It is a focal point and deepest value of all the world's traditions and a majority of us say that we see ourselves as either religious or spiritual. Religious, spiritual or not, love is the most universal of human values. Look in the mirror. What we actually value is what shows up in the choices and actions of our day-to-day lives. Our hypocrisies are rampant; we live divided lives.

Love is simply a label that we give the energy of unity that we sense or feel that is present in all things. It is what physicists call the quantum or unified field. It is the source of our drive for connection, coherence and wholeness; for purpose and meaning; for self-determination and choice; for evolution and mastery. It is the energy of engagement and co-creation. We experience and express love as common ground, serving the greater good and engaging with care, understanding, respect, and responsiveness. Love is about acknowledgment, acceptance and appreciation for all that life offers.

Love is an openness that is full of possibility to realize the potential of the moment for the good in life to express. Yet we fear this openness, this space. It feels empty, void, that we are out of control. It is only in this openness that is without constraint that the greatest good can be known and expressed. Love as unity is life, the spirit in all things. The emptiness we feel and try to fill with external things is a denial of our unity, our spirit, our love within.

Fear distorts our perception; it blocks our ability to see, feel and experience this unity. Fear drives our habitual patterns of behavior anchored in the belief in separation. Fear drives our insatiable desire for power and "winning at all costs." Fear is prevalent when we take positions, control, dominate, exploit, or oppress others; treat people as objects, kill or maim, and destroy nature. The source of fear is our beliefs about how life should be, our personal and social conditioning based in the past. Fear alienates us from living life and from one another.

Much of what we call "love," are actually our fear-based projections of not having it. Hence, our experience of love depends on feelings of attraction, affection, attachment, and approval. It is based in our conditioned beliefs and fears of being alone, outcast, rejected. It is our idea about what love should be that separates us, serves to protect our egos and get something from others, not the reality of love as unity. Love, unity, is always present. Acting from fear and suppressing the experience of love results in chaos and suffering. In every moment we either choose love or react from fear.

Love, as unity, is of the heart which the mind does not comprehend. Our awareness and consciousness of life comes only from the heart. The mind can only produce ideas and thoughts about how life should be. Only the heart gives us the direct experience of life as it is and who we are. Honesty is the truth of the mind; truth is the honesty of the heart. Love is the truth of the heart. Love is the only answer. Love is the energy that makes all things possible. Engagement with life is the dynamic movement of giving and receiving love.

Focus expands. Will we focus on love - care, understanding, respect? Or, will we focus on fear - fight, flight, freeze? Will we focus on the eternal presence and stillness of love within ourselves? Or, will we focus on the incessant search and striving for external validation that results in duality and polarization, right/wrong, good/bad? This is our unrelenting battle. Love grows love. Fear grows fear. At the same time, fear contracts and limits our experience of life. Love generates the infinite expansion of life and its gifts. Love is the one value that we universally share yet we allow fear to govern our lives. Fear dissolves when we think with our hearts and love with our minds.

Through our shared emotions, the pain of traumatic events serves to break our hearts open, liberating us from the mind's fears and allowing our true nature to be revealed. Traumatic events can awaken us to the truth of our being as spirit, as love, in human form. Heroes emerge and we all find the courage and resolve to respond. We show our greatest strength and power in our vulnerability and willingness to experience emotional pain. This is love.

Participation in transformation is an individual choice to release our conditioned, fear-based beliefs and actions and instead live from our heart.When we think and act from care, understanding and respect for ourselves and all of life, we move with and facilitate our shift.When we act from fear, resisting the shift, we continue to have intense "negative" experiences.

Our world is a perfect reflection of our collective hearts and consciousness that is made manifest. Will we choose to live in the present moment reality of love as unity or in the ongoing shadow of fear, projecting and broadcasting our past into our future experience?


Lucira Jane Nebelung is the Founder & Principal of Leading as Love.

What it means to "Grandfather" some people by Martin Udogie

I first heard this word from Seyi Bickersteth, Managing Partner, at then, Arthur Andersen. It was in the mid-1990s, and a policy had just been introduced to the combined Andersen firm (the consulting arm Andersen Consulting, and the auditors, Arthur Andersen).

Seyi was explaining how a category of staff would have to be “grandfathered” to qualify for the benefits. I thought it was just a nice-sounding jargon, and not a proper word. There was no google then, no Blackberry, no Wikipedia. So, I didn’t bother to look it up anywhere.

But reading my current book, Proofiness, I came across the origin of the word. Here it is.

America used to have a “Poll tax”. You weren’t allowed to vote unless you had paid the poll tax. This tax effectively disenfranchised many eligible African American voters, who could not afford the tax.

But curiously, many white voters were exempted from paying the tax (and therefore allowed to vote) because of a “grandfather clause.” The clause exempted a person from the poll tax if he could prove that his grandfather had the right to vote – which white folks could prove and African Americans, could not, as generations before them had never voted.

Nowadays, a grandfather clause refers to an exemption from a new law based upon prior circumstances.

Warm regards.
Martin Udogie is the publisher of BOTTOMLINE Newsletter

Reflections: Breakdown in 2012 - Breakthrough in 2013? (Part One) by Lucira Jane Nebelung

Today is the day the world is supposed to "end." Given all that we have been experiencingand witnessing, maybe it is. Perhaps what is ending is the world as we know it.

Perhaps what is ending is a world we blindly created and lived. Perhaps what is ending is our unconscious focus on fear - fight, flight, freeze - with a radical shift to consciously live and lead our lives from love - care, understanding, respect.

The world we know will end - bringing the opportunity for new beginnings - when we choose and commit to change ourselves.

Breakdown to Breakthrough

Globally, we have experienced a multitude of violent, catastrophic and devastating events in the last 10+ years. We are seeing generations of abuse and exploitation exposed. Many of us have withdrawn emotionally, mentally and physically, ignoring our inhumanity and indifference towards one another. What happened last Friday and since in Newtown is, in the word of a friend who lives there, "surreal", beyond mental comprehension and understanding. We all deeply feel and share sorrow, rage and despair at the loss of these innocent lives.

Newtown brings a loss of innocence to all of us. The worst in us and the best in us were revealed in the same moments. We can no longer close our eyes, be silent, and pretend ignorance. Newtown is our "tipping point" for how we create our future. If we allow, our breaking hearts will wake us up to courage, resolve and perseverance that says "never again." Not just to gun violence but to all the ways that we are violated and we violate others.

This means we stop looking outside of ourselves for something or someone else to blame or "fix." The truth is that what's on the inside shows up on the outside. Together, we ourselves have created a society with the conditions that enabled this to happen. Our collective concepts, actions and laws are an amalgamation of our individual thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and values that we largely force on one another.

Our individual responsibilities as human beings mean responsiveness to one another. We have seen the enemy and it is us. We created this tragedy and have a hand in every one of the others. We are all responsible by what we accept and how we act. Both as individuals and as a society, we can no longer be innocent of our creations.

Life is showing us what is unsustainable. It's not about gun laws which are merely one symptom.It's about the fundamentals of every aspect of our social structures: government, business, education, and religion. The old way, the way of fear, is in breakdown. When the Romans encountered a "problem", they wrote new laws. When the Greeks encountered a "problem", they created a new approach or concept. We can't legislate ourselves to universal peace and prosperity.

Breakdown can only bring breakthrough when we fully engage with one another with an intention of universal well-being. Breakthrough means conscious choice and response rather than automatic, fear-based, conditioned reactions. Breakthrough means a life of integrity, the conscious integration and wholeness of mind, heart, body and soul; thoughts, emotions, actions and spirit. Breakthrough means authenticity, being the author of life and acting from the core of our being, that which unites us.

...../To be Continued..


Lucira Jane Nebelung is a Faculty member of the Center for Leadership Studies, The Graduate Institute, and Founder & Principal of "Leading as Love". She wrote in from Norwich, Connecticut Area.


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Monday, 10 December 2012

Numbers Do Lie - Beware of These by Martin Udogie

I am reading PROOFINESS by Charles Seife. What can a book like this possibly be about? It was for lack of a better book to buy and read that I picked up this title at Glendora, Shoprite, Alausa, Ikeja, Lagos over this weekend.

And what a treasure it is turning out to be.

Most of us take numbers as fact. We accept anything with numbers attached as automatic proof (hence the title).

And politicians, Pastors, academics, “experts”, brands (especially brands) are taking advantage of this to make bogus claims and spread falsehood. And they seem to be getting away with it.

On October 16, 1995, Louis Farrakhan, leader of Nation of Islam, held an enormous rally: the “Million Man Match.” Of course the gathering was “branded” as such long before the event. Long before anyone knew whether a million men (not counting women) would actually show up.

True, the crowd at the National Mall in Washington that day was huge. But did it really live up to its “Million Man” name?

Mr. Farrankhan was adamant that it did. But the Park Service, the agency responsible for providing official crowd figures claimed it was 400,000 people, give or take 20%. Furious, Mr. Farrakhan threatened to sue. Park Service backed down.

Because anyone countering a claim of one million (for whatever purpose it serves), must show proof. No one actually counted the people. So none had any proof. Not Farrakhan. Not Park Service.

Since then, the Park Service stopped estimating crowd sizes. If anyone is gullible enough to fall for cheap publicity, well, it’s their piece of cake.

It is when you see Old Trafford at full capacity (75,000 plus) that you appreciate the sheer magnitude of a One Million crowd size. One million will overwhelm any location and its facilities.

Yet, we keep hearing this claim, even here in Nigeria. Anyway, no need to go there.

There is an aging guide at a natural history museum who conducts visitors around the exhibits. The tour ends with the most spectacular sight in the museum. It is the skeleton of a fearsome dinosaur – a tyrannosaurus.

One day, a teenager gestures at the old guide and asks, “How old is it?”

“Sixty-five million and thirty-eight years old,” the guide responds proudly.

“How could you possibly know that?” the teenager shoots back.

“Simple! On the very day that I started working here at the museum, I asked a scientist the very same question. He told me that the skeleton was 65 million years old. That was 38 years ago.”

Seeking to achieve exactitude by attaching 38 years to the 65 million-year scientific estimate to claim that the skeleton is 65,000,0038 years old was completely absurd. And WRONG!

This is because the original 65m year-age was a rough estimate. Fossil dates can be off by a few hundred thousand or even a few million years.

And how many are we really in the world? 7 billion, if you believe today’s numbers.

On October 13, 1999, with TV flashbulbs popping around him, UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, held a young Bosnian boy, welcoming him to the world as the six billionth person on earth.


The 6th billionth baby happened to have just been delivered as Kofi Annan was visiting Sarajevo. P-L-E-A-S-E! When every minute, 51 babies are born in India, 11 of them in the most populous state, Uttar Pradesh, according to BBC. The book is full of so many of such deception by numbers, from currencies, to graphs, measurements, advertisements, etc.

A final one I will like to share with you is the use of averages. To most people, “average” means “typical”. Well, not quite. It depends.

If you say the average salary at a company is $100,000, then each employee earns $100,000, more or less. Infact, that may not be the case. Let’s illustrate.

Salaries of ten people added together and divided by 10, gives the average salary.

Company A salaries: $100,000 + $101,000 + $98,500 + $99,700 + $103,200 + $100,300 + $99,000 + $96,800 + $100,000 + $ 101,500 = $1,000,000

$1,000,000 divided by 10, gives $100,000.

Company B salaries: $999,991 (CEO salary), plus nine Interns each with $1 salary. $999,9991 + $9 = $1,000,000.

$1,000,000 divided by 10, gives $100,000.

But is the “average” salary in Company B truly $100,000?

If a new hire is going to join both companies strictly based on “average” salary, in which of the companies, would he realistically expect to earn $100,000?

There are just so many instances of such numbers-game going on in the world, that the book documents.

This book has taught me two lessons:

1. Never judge a book by its cover, as is often advised, to which I would add, by its title

2. It is amazing what one can often stumble upon when you allow your reading to roam a bit.

Warm regards.
Martin Udogie is the founder of BOTTOMLINE Newsletter:

Join him on LinkedIn, and Facebook (MARTIN UDOGIE)

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